
Posts Tagged ‘caffeine’

Coffee and The New York Times

September 14, 2009 Leave a comment

Our society’s “information overload” applies to running just like everything else.  While I soak up running advice and information from a wide variety of sources, there’s no doubt I’m just scratching the surface.  One of my objectives for “Running in the Pack”, is to introduce runners to new, interesting sources of running information.  “New”, doesn’t necessarily mean, “brand new.”  It also refers to sources North Texas runners may not be aware exist.

I came across one of these new running sources while contemplating something very ordinary, coffee.  Coffee itself is new addition to my morning routine.  Somehow I had survived college, graduate school and 25 years in my career without the artificial stimulation of a morning cup of coffee.  However, this past winter my morning grogginess led to me to create a special, 20 ounce blend of coffee.  Since I have never liked coffee’s bitter taste, I add just enough milk and chocolate powder to make an acceptable flavor.

My new morning beverage worked, as expected, more energy in the morning.  However, I noticed another impact of drinking coffee before my morning runs.  I ran faster and with more endurance!  Coincidence?  Maybe not.

I Googled “coffee and running”, and found this article, “It’s Time to Make a Coffee Run”, in The New York Times.  It turns out my coffee-enhanced performance is real, backed by research and legal.  A side benefit of my search is the discovery of The New York Times, Run Well blog, listed prominently on the right hand sidebar of Running in the Pack’s home page.

So there you have it…a confirmed, legal, performance-enhancing beverage and a new source for running information.


